Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is it a good business?

I woke up today morning and just thought it what would it take to impress a girl through a blog. May be I will impress a good girl though my ideas in blog and would have a perfect marriage, kids and life. Not bad for a thought first thing in the morning. I started to devise few points as a starter for my blog and here I went.

I thought I should be cool, being cool is still the trend right? Right from Kuch Kuch Hota hai, sharukh khan (with the chain and stuff). The problem is I am not cool, I don't know the slang, I don't think that way, I don't dress up that way, I don't even look that way. So, what do I do? Well I know few western foods and words; I could make something up with that. What should be the content? Well who cares, I will write about anything I want or even about things I want. The target here with such cool blogs is to show the creative me. I will try to be as creative as the other person wants me to be, just enough to make her think I am in the same league as hers and not overboard or in the outhouse. Well right, Good start.

I would like her to know I am one hell of a funny guy as well, well that is relatively easy because girls generally have.. well.. errr.. I would dare not say, no sense of humor (but how else can I put it?). They just do a 'ha ha' for anything and everything I say, so that is been taken care of. Well I could even add a funny twist to the end of a blog and again funny here doesn't actually mean funny could be just about anything will do it, she will find the funny part to it.

Well enough of being sarcastic and funny and all, I know no girl would think serious of getting impressed with a guy unless she knows the guy could be intense and serious about something. Hmmmm this will be the toughest one, not that I could not think serious about some intense subject, just would not be able to translate it to words, you need a huge vocabulary to do it. It's not easy as many people think. I know how hard I tried to express my dream in words in the previous blog and still did not pan out the way I wanted. Well there are few guys out there who are good at it, I stop toiling hard, I just know from where to get 'inspired' from.

Across the globe, if there is one thing will impress girls is attention to small things, preferably nature. You look up at the moon and you wonder how beautiful the sky is and how god is such a great person for putting such a beautiful moon there, you are a hit dude. You are a huge hit, just believe me. They just love these talks. I will talk about how I felt about liberating my soul on a journey in rain. Closely watch a fly, (not for smashing it once it settles down), but describe the beauty of the feathers fluttering and how wonderful I feel watching it even click few snaps of that tiny Son Of a B and make those accessible from my blog.

Long gone are the days when men don't like to be sentimental, the only person they could be sentimental is them alone and it is considered a sign of weakness for men to be sentimental. Chicks or in general girls digg dudes or in general boys who are emotional. This is very important for the girl to know. Beware never talk to a girl about how much you are emotional about the love for your mother, it's a killer. No girl wants his dude to be a momma's boy. It just doesn't give a good impression. They give an evil shade to the boys' mother no matter what. Well not much choice once we rule out mother, is there?

Well after all this hard work, I should be a good position. What do I do next? I don't want to spoil the buildup leading me here, and there are hardly few good qualities left for me to showcase. Should I just keep doing this till she says stop all this, I am impressed or should I stop all this here because there is just too much of investment in effort and time without a good guarantee of positive result. Well I chose the second and decided not to go ahead with such a blog this morning.

It's not good business, just not good business.


Really did not think about impressing any girl today , just Mixing EveRything i Liked in a Youthful Nerd.